Wednesday 27 July 2011

Cycling to work

I've put on weight to the point that I have back fat. I realised then that something had to change. On a Saturday, I got my bike from the balcony where it had been exposed to the elements and was rusty and unused. I changed the tyers and the inner tube, spent ages scrubbing the rust off the chain oiled it and took it for a spin. I nearly died. I only rode for 15 or so minutes and was ready to pass out.

On Monday I was determined that I would cycle to work. It was nothing but long windey roads which were up hill most of the way. I had to get off the bike 3 times, it was like I was doing the tour de France! At one point, I felt like throwing the bike under a truck and letting it get mangled and destroyed! Anyway, I made it after an hour and half of hard slogging.

I didn't wear a helmet the first time as I wasn't sure what I was going to do with helmet head once I got to work.

Today I rode in again and wore my helmet. My hair was soaked with sweat when I arrived. I wore my hair like this as it was the only thing I could do with it once it was wet.

It means I'll be forced to wear up dos. I never worn a braid out to work, but judging from the experience with the helmet, it looks like I'll have to wear up dos

Sunday 17 July 2011

Wearing my real hair to work

I was totally fed up of the wig last week, so i wore my real hair to work. No one said anything except one stupid fool who more or less implied it was too "ethnic" for him. I've been wearing up dos which I thought would be considered less "non conformist". I've rediscovered my love for mango butter which makes my hair feel so soft and moisturised. Yesterday, I wore a braid out, got caught in the rain and the braid out just fell apart. The trouble with this texlaxed hair is that once any humidity hits it, whatever style I had just falls apart, which is really annoying. Anyway, some pics of my styles below.

Meanwhile in other news, I gave myself a 1 inch trim. I needed it badly.

Saturday 9 July 2011

I'm getting fatter

I've been on a bender for the last 2 weeeks. I'm not unhappy so I'm not eating for comfort.

I feel terrible the next day and then tell myself I'm detoxing but once I get home, I'm in free fall. My clothes don't fit and I feel tired all the time. I'm going jogging today. I need to find a way of getting through this horrible period.