I'm really frustrated with my hair. It's thin. I've always had thin hair, but because I have lots of layers it looks even thinner. The hair at my nape is quite sparse and if you're trying to reach SL, you need good density in the nape area. Case in point
I decided to do a length check and straightened just the hair at my nape. Truth is, I couldn't be bothered to straighten all of it. You can see just how see through my hair is. My hair in the middle of my head is not long enough to reach down to my nape, providing an additional layer of hair to create the illusion of fullness.
My hair is still texlaxed. I haven't put any chemicals on my hair since November. I'm in two minds as to whether to relax or not. My hair is thin and I'm scared a relaxer will make it look thinner. On the other hand, my texlaxed hair doesn't behave like an afro (naturally) but believe me, when it's dry with no product, it's as dry as an afro. I'm really not sure what to do. I hoped my hair would be long enough by now to go into a decent looking pony tail but it's not.
I look at other people's hair and some of them go from bald/TWA to SL in a year! It's been a year and 4 months since i started this hair journey and I'm still only at the bottom of my neck!
I'm lurking on the LHCF SL challenge. There are some members there who seem to have hair of similar density to mine so that's encouraging.
I suppose I just seem to be finding lots of Youtubers who have very thick hair which grows like weeds. Very few seem to have thin hair like mine. I've found a few so far who seem to have hair that grows at the same pace as mine and is just as thin, nalia1908 & blackhairchronicles but they are naturals.
I'm not sure what I can do with my hair since it's not long enough for a pony tail and braid outs require too much manipulation, so back to the wigs it is.
The good news is, I've gained some inches. My hair on the sides is 7.5 to 8 inches in places and my crown is 7 inches but it's not all even. My hair in the middle breaks so easily so i have to be so careful with it.