I've seen lots of recommendations for Jheri Curl as a moisturiser. I've had an old bottle sitting around and not used. Mainly because the spray aplicator doesn't work well and I also forgot I had it. I decided to transfer the contents to a generica spray bottle. I did flat twists and sprayed my hair liberally with this Jheri Curl juice. I've forgotten what brand. I then took out the flat twists and decided to rock a braid out. I think it came out pretty good. I've been using this stuff for about a week and it makes my hair feel soft but not greesy. I still notice breakage though, tiny little hairs all over my shoulders. I'll probably do a hard core protien treatement at some point this week. All in all, I'm pretty happy with my braidouts. My b.f loves them.
Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I'll talk about fashion, DIY , skin care and hair, lots and lots of lovely hair !
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Jheri Juice - Care Free Curl Gold Instant Activator
I've seen lots of recommendations for Jheri Curl as a moisturiser. I've had an old bottle sitting around and not used. Mainly because the spray aplicator doesn't work well and I also forgot I had it. I decided to transfer the contents to a generica spray bottle. I did flat twists and sprayed my hair liberally with this Jheri Curl juice. I've forgotten what brand. I then took out the flat twists and decided to rock a braid out. I think it came out pretty good. I've been using this stuff for about a week and it makes my hair feel soft but not greesy. I still notice breakage though, tiny little hairs all over my shoulders. I'll probably do a hard core protien treatement at some point this week. All in all, I'm pretty happy with my braidouts. My b.f loves them.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
On year on...
I'm one year into my hair journey today. I still haven't perfected my regime.My hair still breaks during my wash days, despite all the deep conditioning I do. Last November I decided to relax. I put a lot of generic petroleum oil in a bottle to base my scalp but I definitely over did it, because when I relaxed my hair, it was only texlaxed. I used Elasta QP. After 12 mins, I could see my hair was not relaxed. At 20 minutes, it was still not relaxed. 30 minutes later and I gave up and decided to wash the relaxer out. I straightened and found my hair was breaking. I've decided to ease off on any chemical treatements until Feb while I sort out the breakage issues. My hair is quite thin and see through. I'm using a combination of a phony pony and wigs to get me through. I've given up on the vitamins. They did nothing for me at all.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Sunday, 14 November 2010
So, I did a length check and I'm at 5 inches in some places, but in a lot of placed I'm at 4-4.5 inches. My hair is so slow growing its ridiculous. I have been taking biotin like its going out of style. My eating and exercising has been really poor, so maybe it's not working because of that. I don't know. I'm just not happy with this rate of growth.
I have made one pleasing discovery though. Organic root stimulator olive oil moisturiser works amazingly. I did a shampoo with my cornrows in last week maybe and rather than condition, I just put the olive oil moisturiser on and my hair feels amazingly moisturised. I remember using this when I was relaxed at the beginning of my hair journey when I was trying everything and my hair felt really dry. But it could be because I've found the right balance for my hair. I'll keep monitoring the moisture levels to see how I get on. It's 6 weeks till my one year post relaxer journey of sorts. I think I will relax as I'm just not prepared at this stage in my life to deal with my natural hair. I'm very lazy with my hair and I just want a style that allows me to just pony tail and go without having to braid my hair every night to prevent having wake up with a mishapen hard afro which need a lot of manipulation to look conservative.
Next week, or maybe in the next 2 weeks, I'll do a hard core aphogee protein treatment and then a moisture treatment in preparation.
I have made one pleasing discovery though. Organic root stimulator olive oil moisturiser works amazingly. I did a shampoo with my cornrows in last week maybe and rather than condition, I just put the olive oil moisturiser on and my hair feels amazingly moisturised. I remember using this when I was relaxed at the beginning of my hair journey when I was trying everything and my hair felt really dry. But it could be because I've found the right balance for my hair. I'll keep monitoring the moisture levels to see how I get on. It's 6 weeks till my one year post relaxer journey of sorts. I think I will relax as I'm just not prepared at this stage in my life to deal with my natural hair. I'm very lazy with my hair and I just want a style that allows me to just pony tail and go without having to braid my hair every night to prevent having wake up with a mishapen hard afro which need a lot of manipulation to look conservative.
Next week, or maybe in the next 2 weeks, I'll do a hard core aphogee protein treatment and then a moisture treatment in preparation.
Friday, 5 November 2010
Length check
I really want to relax my hair. I know December 19th is my one year anniversary but I want to relax and do away with the wigs. I decided to flat iron. I still have the relaxed ends left over which allows me to get a high pony tail. It's obvious I'm not getting to shoulder length this year. But next year hopefully I'll be there. My hair was breaking during the flat ironing, but this could be because I used no protectant and just relied on the JBCO that was already on my hair. I wonder if I'll have these troubles when relaxed. I wasn't able to flat iron completely straight but i was able to get at least a sense of my length.

Saturday, 30 October 2010
Deep condition
My crown was feeling dry, again!. I really need to wear my scarf to bed. I've been sleeping on satin pillows and obviously thought my crown would be okay without a scarf. I guess not. I found an old bottle of Main and Tail moisturising deep conditioner, so I wet my hair and applied the conditioner with lots of JBCO on my crown. I left that in for 4 hours then rinsed. I then scratched my scalp and saw build up under my nails. I undid the cornrows and then did some twists. My hair felt soo full of product from the previous DCs, so I rinsed again and used some VO5 conditioner to semi clean my hair.
I have to say I loved the way the main and tail made my hair feel, so I'll definitely get another bottle.
My hair looked like it had crown so I just had to take some more pictures. I still have a little bit of relaxed hair on my ends, maybe 3 inches at the front and one or two at the sides - the legacy of my tapered cut.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Tender scalp
A few months ago, I noticed that my scalp was quite tender around my crown area. It still itches sometimes, but only momentarily. It feels really good when my boyfriend rubs that part of my scalp. I just purrr. Yesterday I scratched my crown area and noticed something that felt like a pimple. I tried to see it in the mirror but I couldn't see it, but it feels tender. I noticed two other places on the left of my crown where my scalp feels particularly tender and it definitely feels like there are pimples in those spots.
I put lots of caster oil on my crown as it was feeling very dry. Even with the caster oil my hair still felt rough, so I decided to D/C. I put lots more caster oil on my crown and then applied peppermint oil let that sit for a while. I then wet my hair with a water from a spray bottle then put Herbal Essence conditioner on my hair and left that on over night. Once I washed it out, I applied my MN mix. This evening however, my hair feels really dry in the crown, not sure why. I think it may be the peppermint. I noticed all those essential oils do dry my hair out. I may need to create a new mix without the peppermint.
I put lots of caster oil on my crown as it was feeling very dry. Even with the caster oil my hair still felt rough, so I decided to D/C. I put lots more caster oil on my crown and then applied peppermint oil let that sit for a while. I then wet my hair with a water from a spray bottle then put Herbal Essence conditioner on my hair and left that on over night. Once I washed it out, I applied my MN mix. This evening however, my hair feels really dry in the crown, not sure why. I think it may be the peppermint. I noticed all those essential oils do dry my hair out. I may need to create a new mix without the peppermint.
Saturday, 23 October 2010
My hair is sooo dry. I did a d/c for about an hour yesterday with Herbal Essence and grapeseed oil. I rinsed it out and went to bed without a scarf. When I woke up, my hair was sooo dry, so i put some JBCO on my hair but it still felt dry. I took out my cornrows and found that my hair was so dry and was breaking. As I was combing it my hair just kept breaking. Anyway, i liberally applied some generic caster oil, hope that helps.
Monday, 18 October 2010
I've been so lazy
I hardly d/c or co-wash these days. I do it maybe once a week. Oh, I went on holiday to California last month and got cornrows done but with hair extentions. No matter how often I told the braider to go easy on my edges she would not listen and I left there with a throbbing head and painful edges. I took them out after 2 weeks as they were fuzzy and itched like a mofo. Unfortunately, my edges bore the brunt of the braiders onslaught on my scalp. I had a lot of breakage around my hairline. It was probably made worse by my constant straightening of the hair there, trying to blend it with my lacefront.
Anyway, I did a length check a few days ago and I have five inches of hair in some places. The middle continues to look shorter - it seemed to be around 3 inches in some places. I upped my biotin uptake but am suffering spots as a result. I'm taking a B12 vitamin to counteract.
Since i discovered how to cornrow my own hair I've been so lazy with haircare. I hardly remember to sleep with a bonnet or scarf on and my hair feels dry as a result. I think I'll up my co-washing to maybe 4 times a week. 2 months from today will be one year post relaxer. I'm excited to see where I'll be and if I'll relax my hair. I really am tired of the wigs, but I need enough hair to make a bun or pony tail or put it up in some sort of protective style that doesn't involve a wig. I'm so tired of wearing them.
Yesterday I did a deep condition with Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise, which I left on over night. I then rinsed it out about 12 hours later. I scratched my scalp since I had a momentary bout of itching and saw a whole load of white gunk under my nails, courtesy of the MN, MT and JBCO mix. I had to wash, so I took out all my cornrows and shampooed. I then put the Aphogee 2 min reconstructor on for 5 mins and rinsed, then put some VO5 conditioner on. As I combed I saw lots of broken hairs. I was really disappointed,as I thought I'd resolved that issue. Maybe I used too much protein...
I cornrowed my hair and after it dried, I used a little Fantasia Frizz Buster serum to straighten a little under half of hair. It took several passes to get my non relaxed hair straight. Once it was as straight as I could get it, I noticed lots of little broken hairs on my shoulder.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Length check
I've had my cornrows in for a month. I've been co-washing with them in and finally took them out today. I gently combed and saw sooo much shed hair. Lots of little broken hairs too. I know it was all new growth because they curls were tiny and crescent shaped. I combed out as much shed hair as possible. I then deep conditioned with Oganic Root stimulator mayo with caster oil liberally applied to the middle of my hair. I left that in for about 6 hours. After that, I stood under the shower and gently combed out more shed hair. I then applied Aphogee 2min reconstructor. I left that on for about 10-15 mins, while I twisted my hair into about 20 chunks. I then rinsed that out in the shower. My hair felt much better and stronger. I towel dried. After about an hour, the relaxed part of my hair was almost dry. I know I need to do a porosity treatment, but couldn't be bothered as the whole wash and condition took almost an hour. I applied some JBCO and after my hair was dry I straightened. I have 4 inches of hair. I suppose it did grow. It's weird how my hair grows. It's almost like I gain an inch in 2 weeks and then nothing for a good 2 months. Maybe that old adage, a watched pot never boils applies to me...
Anyway, I've got til December to see where I end up. I've continued with biotin and have upped my intake and I'm using my MN, MT, JBCO and Peppermint. I'll check again next month to see where I am.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
I don't think my hair is growing..
It's been a month since I straightened and I can't see any progress at all. My hair is the same length as before. I've even been on biotin for the last month to help, but so far, I see no progress. I've decided to try my mn mix again
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Okay, so I've made some progress, but not enough really. I decided out of the blue to do a length check and took out less than half of my cornrows. They are really fuzzy and old. I think I've had them in for 3 weeks now. I see that my hair has grown, but only at a little over 3 inches in 4 months! It may be less as I had maybe half an inch in the crown and nape to start off with.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
My hair is only 2 inches at the back. 6 months and 3 weeks after the last relaxer. I did experience breakage along the way at the back, but still, this is really slow growth. Sigh
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
length check coming in 2 weeks
Got my cornrows redone. I noticed thinning on one side of my edges and I apply MN when I can be bothered. I have to straighten the bangs to blend with my wig and I noticed its uneven and dry.
Been so lazy with the co-washing. I only do it once a week now.
Itches are back, but only mildly irritating. I think I'm allergic to the vanilla fragrance I put in my mix. I further mixed in some MGT
Been so lazy with the co-washing. I only do it once a week now.
Itches are back, but only mildly irritating. I think I'm allergic to the vanilla fragrance I put in my mix. I further mixed in some MGT
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Frustrated again
I see growing in the nape, but it looks like the crown is not as good. The longest hairs are 2.75 inches at the nape, the hair at the crown is probably only 2 inches
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
New mix
So we are mid may and still stuck at 2 inches of growth at the crown and nape. I got excited by the growth in march. However, nothing April or May. i am also periodically experiencing itches but only momentarily so I'm still pleased with the peppermint mix.
Anyway, I'm back on the vits. I've been lazy with washing. I co washed saturday but not since and I've started back at the gym. Work stress and working long hours resulted in me not going to the gym and eating my unhappiness away. I did go to the gym today and could feel back fat, which is gross to me. I put on a stone! My stomach is gross as well and my thighs are cellulite city! I only managed 25 mins in the gym. I was soo tired. My eating wasn't great either today so feel kinda bad.
Anyway, I've made a new concoction;
1 tbspn JBCO
1 tbspn sulfa8
1 tspn peppermint
1 tbsn megatek
a tube of daktarin
I've made enough to last me 2 weeks so I will see how this combination and the vits work.
Anyway, I'm back on the vits. I've been lazy with washing. I co washed saturday but not since and I've started back at the gym. Work stress and working long hours resulted in me not going to the gym and eating my unhappiness away. I did go to the gym today and could feel back fat, which is gross to me. I put on a stone! My stomach is gross as well and my thighs are cellulite city! I only managed 25 mins in the gym. I was soo tired. My eating wasn't great either today so feel kinda bad.
Anyway, I've made a new concoction;
1 tbspn JBCO
1 tbspn sulfa8
1 tspn peppermint
1 tbsn megatek
a tube of daktarin
I've made enough to last me 2 weeks so I will see how this combination and the vits work.
Monday, 3 May 2010
May have solved the itches problem
I got myself some peppermint oil, did the mix with MT , JBCO and its pretty much subsided. Haven't seen any growth this month. I went to Belgium and one of my friends did cornrows for me so I'll keep them in for a week.
Monday, 12 April 2010
Slow growing
The other day I was really pleased because I saw my hair had grown in the crown. I was especially pleased because in one month I noticed growth. I measured and realised I had gained an inch in march, but in total in the space of 6 months I only gained 2 inches. That is really disappointing. I suppose I probably didn't retain a lot of hair for probably 3 months of the six, but still, that's really poor. Plus I am tired of the wigs!
Yesterday I got a major attack of the itches. My itches came back about 2 weeks ago after subsiding. I did a dc with ORHM and rinsed. I applied my MN and MT mix and JBCO and immediately experienced itches. I washed with tea tree shampoo and it subsided a bit. I applied TCP as it was the only thing to give me relief. I think the itching started when I applied vanilla fragrance to my MN mix.
Saturday, 20 March 2010
No more washing w/o cornrows
Went to the gym and had a good workout. I did a dc with hair mayo and olive oil. I put the stuff on after I took out the cornrows. I didn't comb my hair before or during the time I put on the treatment. I left it on for about 3 hours and rinsed it out. I combed while in the shower but I saw too much hair coming out. I used some HE to give me slip while I combed out the tangles but I saw too much hair coming out so I stopped. I towel dried and started to detangle and it was weird cause my hair dried soo fast. Probably ten mins. I realised I still have porosity issues. I thought I'd resolved it 2 weeks ago with the two step treatment. Anyway, I put on some JBCO and tried to cornrow but it's so sticky that it was difficult to get my fingers through my hair w/o breakage.
Anyway it's a lesson to me to not condition without my cornrows in!
I started using MT mixed with JBCO, MN and some tea tree oil. The hair at the back of my head has 1 inch of length. I was dissapointed when I measured it because I thought it was 2 inches. I'm so frustrated with how slow that area is growing yet my sides have seen 2 inches of growth, it's now jaw length as appoosed to mid ear length.
I suppose I should be happy that there are no more bald spots
Anyway it's a lesson to me to not condition without my cornrows in!
I started using MT mixed with JBCO, MN and some tea tree oil. The hair at the back of my head has 1 inch of length. I was dissapointed when I measured it because I thought it was 2 inches. I'm so frustrated with how slow that area is growing yet my sides have seen 2 inches of growth, it's now jaw length as appoosed to mid ear length.
I suppose I should be happy that there are no more bald spots
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
The PJ in me couldn't resist. The bottle says it's for horses hooves! If I wasn't so desperate I wouldn't have even considered it. Anyway, I'm trying a mix of MT, JBCO, MN and some coconut oil. I really think my hair has grown. I can't believe I got to 12 weeks, that's the longest I've ever gone without having braids or weaves. Still get the itchies but not as bad as before. Organic root stimulator hair mayo is the bomb though. I DC before washing with it and my hair feels great. It's going to be my staple.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Aphogee 2 step
My hair is very weak when wet. As soon as water touches it and I touch my hair in any way it breaks and doing a little research I see that its suggested that I probably need more protein. I keep doing treatments with MNT conditioner and the aphogee 2 min reconstructurizer, but I still have the same problem. I decided to do a 2 step instead. I combed out all the braids I had in before. Oh forgot to say that the last tine I did a cowash I did it while my hair was in braids and didn't take out the braids until my hair was dry and then I rebraided and did not comb my hair very much. This time because the 2 step requires me to wash, I had to take out my braids. I combed through and saw a bit of shedding. At this stage I think its normal as I haven't really combed my hair for 2 weeks. I followed instructions and washed first then applied the 2 step. When it was hard I rinsed it out and my hair was soooo tangled. I nearly freaked. I used some Herbal Essence moisturising conditioner and I have to say it was one of the best conditioners I've ever used. My hair felt like silk. It still had tangles, but I managed to get most of them out with my fingers and a wide tooth comb. Rather than manipulate my hair too much I braided it with the conditioner in and then rinsed it out. My hair felt soo good, silky and soft. I put some motions leave in on and some JBCO. I'm really pleased with the results. My only concern was that some of my hair did shed some more in the shower while detangling but I had very little breakage.
So far so good. I'm also pleased with my growth. I'm 9 weeks post relaxer and have a lot of new growth. I just want the back to catch up.
Monday, 22 February 2010
Main n tail conditioner
I did a d/c with MNT and rinsed. I used just my fingers to detangled and I braided straight after while under the shower. I used JBCO mixed with some organix conditioner. My hair felt great. I didn't comb at all until my hair was dry. I mixed some JBCO with doo grow growth oil and my hair felt soo dry after no matter what I did.
I got myself some daktarin as I heard it helps your hair grow. I've been using that along with JBCO. It hasn't helped with my itching at all. I also bought some Salfer8 which sinks and doesn't help me either.
I got myself some daktarin as I heard it helps your hair grow. I've been using that along with JBCO. It hasn't helped with my itching at all. I also bought some Salfer8 which sinks and doesn't help me either.
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Update pics show some growth.I can't pick it up properly on cam. I think I have about 2 inches of hair from where I had none. I pulled a couple of hairs out and despite being so short I saw clear signs of breakage along the hair shaft. I think it may be from the demarcation line between the relaxer and the new growth. I still experience breakage as soon as my hair gets wet.
Friday, 5 February 2010
Jamaican black caster oil
I got JBCO finally. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It's actually quite good. I put it between my cornrows and it kept my hair moist. I took out the cornrows today and I didn't experience that much shedding but I did experience some. I mixed roux porosity control with olive oil and motions conditioner. My hair felt soo moisturised. I washed out the treatment after an hour and noticed a lot of shedding. I wasn't sure if this was the shed hair from when I combed my hair after the braids or not. I also noticed some short thick hair, so I guess I'm still experiencing breakage. I noticed some long hairs shedding too. My hair did feel nice though. I washed with main n tail shampoo. I did a quick protien treatment with main n tail conditioner and olive oil and rinsed. I used doo grow oil and applied JBCO to my scalp. I'm gonna keep an eye out to see how this works. I cornrowed and I'm back in my wig.
Saturday, 23 January 2010
More set backs
I haven't washed my hair for a week or pre pood. I've been hitting the gym and finding that I'm so tired as soon as I get home. I've been going to bed very early as a result.
I fell off on Friday and binged on chinese.
Anyway, been experiencing some major itchy scalp issues. my tea tree oil mix is not helping like it used to. I'm not sure if it's because I haven't been washing my hair and mixed with the excess sweat from exercise it has exacerbated the problem?
I've had my hair in cornrows under the half wig. I combed today and saw lots of hair in the comb. My hair esp the area of breakage where it's basically just afro is very dry. Nothing I have done works. I even tried petroleum oil (Plamers Olive Oil hairdress) and still dry!
I d/ced with olive oil replenishing pack mixed with olive oil, caster oil and avacado oil. Washed that out and used roux porosity control. My hair was soooo tangled. I had to use tons of conditioner to de tangle. I lost so much hair. My hair did feel a little moisturised but it was still dry after I blow dried it.
I fell off on Friday and binged on chinese.
Anyway, been experiencing some major itchy scalp issues. my tea tree oil mix is not helping like it used to. I'm not sure if it's because I haven't been washing my hair and mixed with the excess sweat from exercise it has exacerbated the problem?
I've had my hair in cornrows under the half wig. I combed today and saw lots of hair in the comb. My hair esp the area of breakage where it's basically just afro is very dry. Nothing I have done works. I even tried petroleum oil (Plamers Olive Oil hairdress) and still dry!
I d/ced with olive oil replenishing pack mixed with olive oil, caster oil and avacado oil. Washed that out and used roux porosity control. My hair was soooo tangled. I had to use tons of conditioner to de tangle. I lost so much hair. My hair did feel a little moisturised but it was still dry after I blow dried it.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
I'm considering going natural
I'm really giving consideration to cutting off all my hair and starting again! It is do dry around the crown and nape area it's unreal. I read somewhere that I might be giving my hair too much moisture? Anyway, I've decided to pre poo next time with just one of my oils tomorrow and see if that helps. I got myself a half wig which is preventing many of my frustrations and it means I now don't use heat on my hair at all except when I'm deep conditioning. On the positive side, I feel definite growth around the crown area.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
still breaking
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I deep condition every time I wash, which is usually 3x a week. Recently, I have stopped massaging the shampoo into my hair and let it sit on my hair to reduce the amount of manipulation. I also keep doing the two step treatment after each wash. I tried the chi. Aside from being really expensive for a little bottle, it also stinks. I also do not see all the silkiness that everyone raves about.
I went to the gym and of course my hair puffed up, especially now that it's under processed it reverts so easily.
My hair is also sooo dry. I'm doing a 70% waster spray of glycerine, grape seed oil to moisturise.
I went to the gym and of course my hair puffed up, especially now that it's under processed it reverts so easily.
My hair is also sooo dry. I'm doing a 70% waster spray of glycerine, grape seed oil to moisturise.
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